The war in Ukraine and international security

Gawliczek Piotr

The war in Ukraine and international security

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Liczba stron: 260
Wydawnictwo: Difin

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Zamówienie wyślemy 2024-09-30


The monograph deals with current, important, and essential issues, considering that the world has entered a new era in global security, where authoritarian powers are openly contesting core principles of international security and are seeking to re-write the world’s order on which peace and prosperity depend.

It is possible to formulate the assumption that the monograph is a reference to an important problem area – changing/new paradigm of the security environment. The idea behind the book is to provide readers with a publication that is not only focused on the war in Ukraine but also on the other aspects/dimensions of inter- national security.

Considering the spirit of the current debates within the scientific community, it is possible to formulate the assumption on the importance and value of this monograph which not only builds knowledge about current international security but also looks towards the future.

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