Our Faith

Jacek Salij

Our Faith

Oprawa miękka
Liczba stron: 624
Wydawnictwo: Fundacja Świętego Mikołaja

85,38 zł - najniższa cena z 30 dni przed obniżką

120,00 zł - cena detaliczna

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Fr Jacek Salij's book is an in-depth reflection on faith: its quality, its truths, and our ideas and perceptions about it that need to be rethought. Numerous examples are cited to make the sometimes difficult theological topics close and vital. The faith reflected upon and described by Father Jacek Salij is something that can and should be developed on a daily basis; it is a spiritual skill which, if properly nurtured, begins eternal life in us.

Foreword by Fr. Jerzy Szymik

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