Money Banks and Business in British and American Literature, culture and language

Marek Błaszak

Money Banks and Business in British and American Literature, culture and language

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Liczba stron: 186
Wydawnictwo: CeDeWu

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This monograph should be of interest to a wide range of readers because money, banks and business have been an integral part of history of all societies as well as an experience shared by each one of us. The book is divided into two parts - the more extensive part one comprises:
- several texts that follow advancement of capitalist economy in 18th and 19thcentury Britain with all the concurrent developments and problems, involving individuals, communities and societies, as they are reflected in contemporary prose fiction from Defoe, through Jane Austen, Dickens, Elizabeth Gaskell and Dinah Craik, to George Meredith and Anthony Trollope; and in a special genre of the so-called it-narratives,
- a chapter devoted to the outstanding present-day Argentine writer Ricardo Piglia who censures greed for money, hypocrisy and corruption,
- another chapter which traces the formation and role of American civil religion.

The second part of the book is devoted to the selected linguistic aspects of human enterprise and contains two chapters, the first of which discusses strategies and methods of effective teaching/learning business English, while the second concentrates on strategies used in translating legal and business texts.

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