The Concept of State and Nation in Polish political thought in the period  1939-1945

Juchnowski Jerzy, Sielezin Jan Ryszard

The Concept of State and Nation in Polish political thought in the period 1939-1945

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Liczba stron: 294
Wydawnictwo: Adam Marszałek

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The authors of the reviewed book explain the notion of political thought and its reference to an independent Poland (...). The question posed by the authors is as follows: What sort of state should the already existing Poland be? Among the politically active trends the following environments are selected to be the representative ones: the national democrats, the right-wing peasants' movement, the Pilsudskites and socialist parties. The selection is justified by the fact that other parties, even the Christian democratic ones, not to mention the communists and smaller parties, did not have a real impact on areas such as political system, economic system, agricultural policy, education and even ethnic policy. (...) The reviewed book is addressed especially to the foreign language reader. In my opinion, the clarity of expounding the content, its transparenty and communicative English raise the value of the book.

From the book review by prof. Zygmunt Zieliński

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