Gdańsk. A guidebook for young explorers

Tomasz Małkowski

Gdańsk. A guidebook for young explorers

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Liczba stron: 112
Wydawnictwo: Adamada

39,90 zł - najniższa cena z 30 dni przed obniżką

39,90 zł - cena detaliczna

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Take your family to Gdansk for a tour of the city and its surroundings. Follow seves routes, all packed with quaint corners to explore, famous landsmarks to visit, and entertaining trivia hunts to enjoy.


Gdansk: A Guidebook for Young Explorers combines intriguing comik strip illustrations, gripping stories, and plenty of fun-facts - it's the perfect starter pack fir all adventurous discoverers.


Downland your Adamada czyta dzieciom mobile app for free, find the cover of your guidebook and learn even more about the history and sights of Gdansk.

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