face2face Upper-Intermediate Student's Book + DVD

Cunningham Gillie, Redston Chris

face2face Upper-Intermediate Student's Book + DVD

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Liczba stron: 176
Wydawnictwo: Cambridge University Press

93,00 zł - najniższa cena z 30 dni przed obniżką

93,00 zł - cena detaliczna

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Unlike other courses, face2face Second edition is informed by the Cambridge English Corpus and its vocabulary syllabus has been mapped to the English Vocabulary Profile, meaning students learn the language they really need to know at each CEFR level. What's more, face2face Second edition actually teaches students to listen better by drawing their attention to the elements of spoken English that make it so hard for them to understand. And by giving students time to formulate the ideas and language they want to use before they speak, face2face Second edition helps to build both spoken fluency and accuracy.

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