Animal Sacrifice in Ancient Greece Proceedings of the First International Workshops in Kraków (12-14.11.2015)

Krzysztof Bielawski

Animal Sacrifice in Ancient Greece Proceedings of the First International Workshops in Kraków (12-14.11.2015)

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Table of Contents
Robert Parker (University of Oxford) Introductory Remarks

Scott Scullion (University of Oxford)
Penal Sacrifice

Włodzimierz Lengauer (University of Warsaw)
Piety and Sacrifice in Greek Religion

Gunnel Ekroth (Uppsala University)
Holocaustic sacrifices in ancient Greek religion:
Some comments on practice and theory

Vinciane Pirenne-Delforge (University of Liege)
Pure and Impure Ancestors at Selinous: a note on Greek theology

Richard Seaford (University of Exeter)
On Vedic Sacrifice, and its Differences from Greek Sacrifice

Krzysztof Bielawski (Jagiellonian University)
Animal Sacrifice in Eleusinian Inscriptions of the Classical Period

Bartłomiej Bednarek (University of Warsaw)
Whole and ground: krithai and alphita. Prolegomena

Przemysław Biernat (Jagiellonian University)
Sacrificial bricolage in Plato's Critias

Lech Trzcionkowski (Jagiellonian University)
Sacrificial Terminology and the Question of Tradition
and Innovation in Greek Animal Sacrifice

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