The Biography of the First Khalkha Jetsundampa Zanabazar by Zaya Pandita Luvsanprinlei

Agata Bareja-Starzyńska

The Biography of the First Khalkha Jetsundampa Zanabazar by Zaya Pandita Luvsanprinlei

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Liczba stron: 416
Wydawnictwo: Elipsa Dom Wydawniczy

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The monograph presents the biography of the First Khalkha Jetsundampa Zanabazar (1635-1723) as a literary work of the 17th century Mongolian Buddhist monk, the Khalkha Zaya Pandita Losang Prinlei (Tib. Blo bzang 'phrin las, Mong. Luvsanprinlei, 1642-1715).1 It was composed in the Tibetan language, which soon became the language of the intellectual religious elite of the Mongols. The aim of this study is to show how a Buddhist disciple described the life of his master using new tools the Tibetan language and namthar a Tibetan biographical genre which presents an exemplary life leading to the Buddhist liberation.
The present work consists of two main parts: Part I: Studies; and Part II: Translation and Transliteration, as well as an Appendix that includes a reproduction of the Tibeto-Mongolian manuscript of the biography and a reproduction of the Tibetan xylograph as well as photographs related to Zanabazar.

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