Issues in Philosophy of Language and Linguisti Łódzkie Studia z językoznawstwa Angielskiego i Ogólnego 2

Piotr Stalmaszczyk

Issues in Philosophy of Language and Linguisti Łódzkie Studia z językoznawstwa Angielskiego i Ogólnego 2

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Liczba stron: 140
Wydawnictwo: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego

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Papers collected in this volume investigate several important issues in philosophy of language and linguistics, both traditional (such as the influences of analytic philosophy on language planning movements, or the concepts of truth and falsehood), and the most recent (including accounts of semantics and pragmatics of pejoratives and slurs; John MacFarlane's views on disagreement; the status of Universal Grammar in linguistics and philosophy, and the emerging field of etholinguistics). These studies demonstrate that the investigation into the interface of philosophy of language and linguistics brings interesting results, and opens new avenues for philosophical and linguistic research.

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